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Crazy Daze
of Summer
Rider Fees:
($15 discount if you pre-register!)
50 miles $115 Start time 6:30
25 miles $105 Start time 7:30
($15 discount per team if you pre-register!)
30 mi R&T $115 Start time 7:00
15 mi R&T $50 Start time 8:00
($5 discount if you pre-register!)
15 mi Trail $35 Start time 10:00
Juniors: $25 discount
PNER members: $5 discount
Non AERC: Additional $15
CATERED DINNER: Sat & Sun 5:00 TO 7:00 PM – 1 dinner ticket per rider. Extra tickets $10 each.
PRE-RIDE MEETING: both Friday and Saturday night at 7pm. Please plan to attend. Lots of valuable information is provided at the pre-ride meetings.
VET-IN: Starts Friday at 3pm. If you plan to arrive the day of the ride, please pre-register and plan to arrive early enough to complete registration and get vetted in.
All riders must present proof of current PNER and AERC at registration to receive discounts (no exceptions)
$15 discount for Pre-Entries!! Must be received or postmarked by Aug 27, 2019 to
Shelley Kerr
PO Box 608
Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
Or email PDF to No pre-payment necessary for pre-registration so please pre-register! Ride Entry Form
Make it quick and easy by clicking the JOTFORM and fill out the form and "SUBMIT"
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